

Over the past century, Italdroghe spices and aromatic herbs have made Italians’ favourite dishes unique. Our company developed significantly over the years and we settled on our current name in the early 1970s.

The whole history of Italdroghe has been driven by the passion of the Smania family, who founded and have led the company for four generations. Thanks to their vast experience, product quality, constant updating of production technologies, and the attention paid to consumer and market needs, Italdroghe has been able to anticipate innovations and trends, as well as adapt to changing tastes and formats, and thus satisfy all lovers of good food.

supply chain

The excellence and quality of Italdroghe’s products derive from its control over the entire supply chain. The best raw materials are chosen and imported directly from their countries of origin, where agreements have been made with growers who care about fair working conditions and environmental protection.

Spices and herbs are carefully selected by Italdroghe experts, who then mix and grind them in compliance with strict protocols. Storage takes place in a large warehouse (2,200 m2), and ensures that the highest standards for product protection are applied. Furthermore, Italdroghe carefully monitors all the chemical ingredients necessary for food preservation and processing. It also provides maximum production flexibility and excellent customer service, including the possibility of customisation by encompassing the design and development of new products and packaging.








Quality is our most important corporate objective. For us at Italdroghe, quality is all about creating a satisfying and lasting relationship with our customers, who can rely on a constant improvement of our products, our services and organisation. In order to achieve these goals, our Company is engaged in turning each customer request into an organisational process, which is possible thanks to our Quality Management System. In this way, Italdroghe offers constant improvements in:
  • delivery times;
  • competence and professionalism in the processing of products;
  • flexibility with respect to market needs;
  • healthiness of our food;
  • risk management, with respect to food products and business activities in order to maximise development opportunities.

The Management believes that, in order to achieve these objectives, the values adopted by the company should be fully known and understood by all members of the organisation, so that everyone’s activities are focused on fulfilling the expectations of customers and other relevant parties, keeping in mind the context in which the company operates.

Italdroghe considers the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard to be the most suitable model, since it allows the company to translate the quality standard and the operational improvement into practice by monitoring all technical and organisational operations. In compliance with the law, production is subject to the HACCP self-monitoring system regulation framework provided by the European Union, and we therefore entrust our specific analyses to qualified collaborators and institutes. The management is committed to implementing and reaching the goals of the policy by setting the standards, raising awareness, involving employees and the provision of staff training.


Over the years, our image has evolved in line with the development of the Company. The company’s trademark has changed many times to reflect the latest graphic trends and market needs, until it finally took its current form. The current logo, pictured inside a circle, symbolises a container of quality ingredients, with the claim “Family spices since 1920”, emphasising Italdroghe’s experience in the sector and the fact that its products have been “created by a family for Italian families”. The packaging also has higher visibility and a greater impact at the point of sale thanks to brand new line art illustrations of the main ingredients, which make them immediately recognisable and appealing.